August 25, 2014
This week was pretty good here in Menorca. We are having a pretty great time, and seeing
miracles. One that was pretty neat happened
Tuesday actually. We were going to go visit a lady named Maria, who really hasn't
been progressing. She wouldn't ever read
the Book of Mormon, and she really likes all the saints that she has, so this
visit was planned as a possible last, if she wasn't reading the Book of Mormon.
Well, we went, and to start with, we were just talking, and I noticed that all
of her saint statues, which are usually on the top shelf in a corner, had all
been moved to the bottom shelf, which was surprising. So, it was even more surprising when she let
us know that she had been reading, every night, and was in chapter 4 of first Nephi.
She told us that she had had the book for so long, at least for 3 years, maybe
more, and she hadn't ever taken the time to even open it, until one day last
week, she decided to just try a bit, and she got hooked. So, she started at the
title page, and read through the whole introduction, all the testimonies, and
everything. It's really great, and so we
have a visit with her set up tomorrow. Then
on top of that story, we went to another investigators house, and it was
planned to be the same kind of lesson, and we again were surprised that she has
read a bit. Not very much, but she committed
to read every single day, at least one verse, so we will see how it goes. We
are finally coming out of summer, and people seem to have a bit more time.
Also, we have now started to restore another
car....apparently word got out that we know how or something, so here we go! I'm still not sure what I'm doing, but hey, it
looks ok so far! Maybe I should start a business
when I get home.
So, to end here is a fun story. We were in a lesson, and explaining to some
tiny kids why we call each other brother or sister in the church, since we're
all children of God, and so on. Well..Elder
Jonson was trying to give an example of who we call people "hermano so and
so, or hermana so and so" only problem? he said "so and so" in English,
and we were teaching Bolivians, where apparently, that's what they say to mean
dumb, or stupid. We had a pretty good laugh over that one once he saw the
confused looks on all our faces:)
Thanks for all your support, and if you need something to study
this week, read alma 5 or D&C 98, they are amazing.
Elder Dixon