July 28, 2014
This week was fairly interesting, and we made some
breakthroughs in the work. We saw a couple neat miracles as well. Probably the
biggest one was that 1/5th of the people in church were investigators!!!
And were going to have a baptism this week!! Ya!!! It was pretty neat how it
worked out actually. We went to go pick up one of our investigators, and she
was waiting for us outside her piso, and then we went to church and we had that
small miracle. The Lord blessed us a ton this week. Also, we visited a couple
members and had a couple really great lessons, and saw more miracles from that
too. Other than that, this week wasn't
all that interesting. We had the biggest
cruise ship that has ever come to Menorca dock in the port though...that was
neat. There were so many tourists...it
was crazy!!! Oh, and we went and ate
with the Clarks and they made us real hamburgers. It was soooo good. The
burgers here just aren't the same usually. But that was basically it. It's been a pretty
laid back week. Next week though....oh
boy. We have a baptism Friday...and we
are going to Palma Wednesday, and transfers are next week. WHOO! The mission is crazy, and I love it!!
Thanks for all you do!!
Elder Dixon